exploration journal

An elephant ride in Lao

I rode an elephant in Lao. And I experienced it as a real learning experience.

Body and mind, I experienced what it meant to « let go ».

I feel that it is very common to speak about the importance of learning to let go.
In my life, I had learned to try to control things – schedules & time, meetings, setting objectives and making sure they are reached…- rather than to let go.
Since I decided to change the course of events, I am learning so much to let go. It is a real new attitude towards life.
And riding an elephant was an amazing experience of the power of letting go.


Lao is known as « The one million elephant country ».

Nowadays, there are much less than that. But still, in Luang Prabang, a traditional activity offered to visitors is visiting elephant farms and ride elephants.
It is important to be careful about choosing the right place. Because in some elephant farms elephants are not treated well. In the Lonely Planet guide they provide great advice on that.
Being in Luang Prabang for a little while, people would tell me about that. I must say I was not incredibly excited about it, but I decided to try.

I wanted to experience what it was like to be close to such an imposing animal.

To ride an elephant.
Tours offer what they call « Mahout training ».
The Mahout is the person who takes care of elephants and rides them.
A guide brings you to an elephant farm. There, the guide teaches you how to speak to an elephant : « to the right », « to the left », « go ahead », etc.
So many new words. I thought : « I will never remember all this elephant language vocabulary and I will never be able to speak to the elephant !! » Huge issue, right ? 😉
The farmer suggested to write the basic vocabulary on the skin of our forearm. Fabulous idea. And here I was, with a new ephemeral tattoo that was SO local. Haha !
Until now, it was quite easy.

And then, I climb on the back of the elephant.

No shoes (what if I fall ?! I will twist my ankle !).
There are 5 people around to help me – I realized it afterwards, on the pictures !
I sit on the neck of the elephant. Each feet on one side of the elephant. Legs under the ears. Hands on the head.

It is not that high. But I feel that I don’t have much control, right now.

I hope that the elephant will not become nervous or angry and decide to run and eject me from his back. I imagine that I could have an accident and think about my family.
Fear, fear, fear… It makes me think of Mark Twain who wrote : « I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened ».
An old Mahout man is sitting behind me. I am glad it is so, I feel reassured.
I feel a bit of fear because I know that I have NO CONTROL at all.

And in the same time I feel so happy and excited.

Happy because I made this gift to myself to live such an extraordinary experience. And indeed, I feel that it is magic to be sitting on the neck of an elephant along the Mekong river.
Excited because I am so close to this animal, I have never experienced that. I feel that I am connecting to Nature. I feel that I am reversing the classic human/animal power relationship. I feel that I am so fragile and helpless while standing on the neck of this huge animal.

I look at the elephant from my new point of view.

I touch its very thick skin. I notice the very thick hair on his head. I look at his ears and am so puzzled by their strange shape.
It is as if I see an elephant for the first time.

And here we go.

The Mahout, who is sitting behind me, shouts – not so loud, but still.
I try to also speak to the elephant but with my normal voice, I don’t want to shout. So I don’t know if it really works.
I let the Mahout behind me do the guiding.

Because I need to focus on my balance !

We leave for a 1 hour walk.
It is hard to find balance on the neck of the elephant. I only can grab the head of the elephant. I try very hard not to be shaken too much.
When I see that we are entering a forest and will go uphill and downhill on a very irregular ground, I am thinking : «  I will fall ! I can’t go further » !
But then I think that I want to go further.
I will learn a way to be more stable.
And I experiment. I try different techniques.

I want to trust. I choose to trust.

And quickly, I feel that I can let go and stop trying to counterbalance the movemements of the elephant.
I follow the movements of the elephant. I go with the flow.
And there is harmony and fluidity.
It is not so easy all the time and sometimes I ask the Mahout behind to hold me. We go in a river, up a hill, there are holes in the ground and plants that scratch me…
At one moment, the elephant stops and starts making strange noises… A few minutes later, we leave again.
I let go, I go with the flow. I find a way. And it is magic.
At other times I am too self-confident and almost fall. But each time I manage to react on time.

I really felt that it was a metaphor of life.

About finding the right adjustment whatever happens.
About choosing softness and fluidity instead of fighting or resisting.
About accepting situations and transforming what appears as « going wrong » into a new opportunity.
About choosing trust over fear.
In a way, after a while, on the neck of this elephant, I felt like « dancing with the universe ».