Surya – cultural warrior

 … When I was in Ubud in Bali, I met Surya.   … I had heard about Surya when I was looking for information about Balians, the Bali traditional healers.   … Surya appeared to be a man with great knowledge of Balinese culture and, among others, traditional healers. Thirty years ago, he created a company that […]

Alexandre – spiritual entrepreneur

… Before leaving France last September, my friend Diane connected me to a young man who changed my (digital) life. … Alexandre. … Alexandre is an entrepreneur who struggles against planned obsolescence. … Did you have a conversation with your grandmother about her fridge or washing machine ? What was your reaction when she said […]

Louis – Filipino FreeBirds entrepreneur

 … Louis is one of the social entrepreneurs of Gawad Kalinga Enchanted Farm – an amazing social business lab in the Philippines – where I am currently staying as a volunteer for a few months.   … 14 months ago, he came here for an internship as part of his HEC Paris business studies, and decided […]

Tito June – sexy worms entrepreneur

 … When I arrived at the Enchanted Farm, I met Tita Jenny who lives in the community within the Farm.   … Tita Jenny is married to Tito June. I had met him at the Grassroots Kitchen – which is the restaurant/coworking space/café/hub of the farm – where he joked with me.   … « Tita » and « Tito » […]

Hubert – mindful man

  Hubert and I attended the same business school. At the time, we did not know each other very well. We had friends in common so I knew he had chosen an original path 1 year (or so) after graduation… I was impressed and admiring because I thought that it was quite a courageous step […]

Diane – Talent activist

  I met Diane a few month ago thanks to an angel who connected us ! It started with a long Skype conversation while she was in Switzerland. We quickly felt very close because of our common strong passion for talent development. We can talk together for hours about how we imagine to contribute to […]