On the shoulders of giants !

« If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. » – Isaac Newton
Here are readings, organizations, Ted talks, and other sources that have empowered me, inspired me, made me grow up.




Lessons from my 20’s, Ryan Allis
A « book in slides » about all issues of life. A real milestone in my journey as reading it allowed me to dare, believe in my crazy idea, be ambitious.
In the document you will find the « Authentic Life Design » workshop framework that helped me to define my life purpose, objectives, and action plan. 
Ted Talk about «  Hackschooling » by Logan Laplante : « This is what happens when a kid leaves traditional education »
Learned optimism, Martin E. P. Seligman (La force de l’optimisme)
VIA Character Strengths survey : https://www.viacharacter.org/www/The-Survey
The Alchemist, Paolo Coelho (L’Alchimiste)
Mastery, Robert Greene (Atteindre l’excellence)
And his Ted Talk « The Key to transforming oneself » : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLt_yDvdeLQ
The four hours week, Tim Ferriss (La semaine de quatre heures)
The Element : How finding your passion changes everything, Ken Robinson
Créez le job de vos rêves et la vie qui va avec, A. Botaya & C. Orsini, to buy online, only in French I think.
The Artist’s way, Julia Cameron (Libérez votre créativité)
Power Patate, F. Servan-Schreiber
Speeches by the American disruptive philosopher and professor Alan Watts, among which :
What if money was no object ?
About decision-making
Your brain at work, David Rock (Votre cerveau au bureau)
Who moved my cheese ? Spencer Johnson (Qui a piqué mon fromage)
Steve Jobs speech connecting the dots
Where good ideas come from, Steven Johnson
And a short video summary : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NugRZGDbPFU
Personal Power 2 coaching program by Tony Robbins
The 7 habits of highly effective people S. Covey
The 11 forgotten laws by Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey
The warrior goddess training by HeatherAsh Amara


A friend working in positive psychology shared with me his definition of spirituality which I will use now :
« Our relationship to the self, others and the world »  
The Power of Now, Eckart Telle (Le Pouvoir du moment présent)
Synchrodestiny, Deepak Chopra (Le livre des coïncidences)
The Monk who sold his ferrari, Robin Sharma (L’homme qui vendit sa ferrari)
The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield (La prophétie des Andes)
The power of the heart, movie by Drew Heriot (L’infinie puissance du coeur)
A quest for meaning by Nathanaël Coste et Marc de la Ménardière (En quête de sens)
Trailer in French with English subtitles : https://vimeo.com/122443830
Le petit prince, A de St Exupéry
The Power by Rhonda Byrne (Le Pouvoir)
Reconciliation : Healing the Inner Child, Thich Nhat Hanh (Prendre soin de l’enfant intérieur)
Listen to your body – your best friend on earth, Lise Bourbeau (Ecoute ton corps, ton plus grand ami sur la terre)
www.bienetreetspiritualite.com, a website with abundant great quality resources about spirituality (energy & chakras, law of attraction, …)
What do you mean the third dimension is going away ? by Jim Self and Roxane Burnett
Etre Indigo sans avoir le Blues by Joëlle Chautems

Entrepreneurship and innovation

Zero to one, Peter Thiel
Lean startup, Eric Ries
Great online free classes by The Family – 12 Chapters to build ambitions startups in Europe

Coaching, Interpersonal communication

Amazing Non Violent Communication (NVC) training with Thomas d’Ansembourg / the creator of the theory is Marshall Rosenberg
Thomas wrote the books Cessez d’être gentil, soyez vrais, and Qui fuis-je, Où cours-tu, A quoi servons-nous? Vers l’intériorité citoyenne
François Delivré, Le métier de coach

Within my New Ventures West Integral Coaching training

A year to live by S. Levine
The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso & Hudson
The Myth of Freedom and the Way to Meditation by Chogyam Trungpa
Focusing in Clinical Practice by Ann Weiser Cornell
Getting our bodies back by Christine Caldwell
Leadership Embodiment by Wendy Palmer & Janet Crawford


Petite Poucette, Michel Serres
Freedom, Inc. : Free Your Employees and Let Them Lead Your Business to Higher Productivity, Profits and Growth Hardcover, I. Getz and B. M. Carney (Liberté & Compagnie)
Se changer, changer le monde, C. André, J. Kabat-Zinn, P. Rabhi, M. Ricard
Nos voies d’espérance, entretiens avec 10 grands témoins pour retrouver confiance, O. Le Naire
Le Bonheur en marche, Patrick Viveret & Mathieu Baudin
La sobriété heureuse, Pierre Rabhi
Exercices pratiques de psychogénéalogie by Anne Ancelin Schützenberger

Changemaking & inspiring organizations 

The common characteristic of the organizations listed below : the people behind them want to use their talent to have a positive impact on the world 
Ticket for Change
On Purpose
Fabrique Spinoza
Oliver Maurel, amazing changemaker and community builder
The conferences of the HR consultancy Kadéis
231e47 – laboratoire d’innovation et d’acculturation digitales
Embody Agency – be a better leader, embody your talent
En chemin – conseil en orientation et accompagnement de carrière
We are the projects
Institut des Futurs Souhaitables
Institut Aristote
La Plume du Futur – Poésie d’Entreprise & Développement de Richesses Humaines
Université du Nous
Mindful Intelligence
Hive & the Global Leaders Program
the mankind project – I had very positive feedback from men friends
I have not tried the women alternatives yet : I have heard about
Realchange – learning expeditions and change management for a sustainable world (Silicon Valley)
Wake-up – Spirituality communities in the world (initiated by Plum Village)
Printemps de l’éducation

Books I want to read… (miscellaneous)

Parallel lives, Plutarque (Vies parallèles des hommes illustres)
Start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action, Simon Sinek
Strength finder
Man’s search for meaning, V. Frankl
The Four Agreements : a practicak guide to personal freedom, Don Miguel Ruiz (Les 4 accords Toltèques)XXX
Employee first, customer second : turning conventional management upside down, Vineet Nayar
Jugaad Innovation : think frugal, be flexible, generate breakthrough growth, N. Radjou, J Prabhu, S. Abuja, K. Roberts
Rich dad poor dad, R. Kiyosaki
Où cours tu ? Ne sais-tu pas que le ciel est en toi, C. Singer
Gut : the inside story of our body’s most underrated organ, G. Enders (Le charme discret de l’intestin)
Women who run with the wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes (Femmes qui courent avec les loups)
See the movie Demain
A return to love : reflections on the principles of « A course in Miracles », Marianne Williamson
Awaken the Giant within : how to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny !, T Robbins
Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us, D. Pink
Surfer la vie : vers la société fluide, J de Rosnay
Biography of a yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
The 49 laws of power by Robert Greene
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Rumi poetry
Your body knows the answer : Using Your Felt Sense to Solve Problems, Effect Change, and Liberate Creativity by D.I. Rome
Womb wisdom – Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine by Padma & Anaiya Aon Prakasha
Le coeur métamorphe by JM Henriot    
Wild women wild voices by Judy Reeves
Thank you to all those who shared these inspiration sources with me !
Please feel free to share suggestions in the comment section below !