Louis – Filipino FreeBirds entrepreneur

 … Louis is one of the social entrepreneurs of Gawad Kalinga Enchanted Farm – an amazing social business lab in the Philippines – where I am currently staying as a volunteer for a few months.   … 14 months ago, he came here for an internship as part of his HEC Paris business studies, and decided […]

Art connection in Baguio !

   … I am in Bagio in the Philippines. It is a town in the mountains, 250 km North from Manila. I arrived a few days ago and I decided to come here because Baguio is a well-known place for healing. Many Filipino healers live around here.   … Yesterday I decided to visit a traditional […]

Overcoming fears

 … I am travelling in Kerala with my family right now. Yesterday we took the car to go from Munnar tea plantations to the beach – Kerala is breathtakingly beautiful.  …  … In the car, we started speaking about fear. About the fact that fear prevents us to do so many things.   … My mother […]

How I decided to explore healing…

… It’s been a while since I have written my last article ! So much has happened and it is hard for me to start writing. How to explain ? How to share ?  … In a few words : unexpectedly – at least for me ! – my path is becoming very spiritual ! […]

Tito June – sexy worms entrepreneur

 … When I arrived at the Enchanted Farm, I met Tita Jenny who lives in the community within the Farm.   … Tita Jenny is married to Tito June. I had met him at the Grassroots Kitchen – which is the restaurant/coworking space/café/hub of the farm – where he joked with me.   … « Tita » and « Tito » […]