Diane – Talent activist

  I met Diane a few month ago thanks to an angel who connected us ! It started with a long Skype conversation while she was in Switzerland. We quickly felt very close because of our common strong passion for talent development. We can talk together for hours about how we imagine to contribute to […]

On Top of Hills event at Laborazon Maker Space

On Tuesday evening, Diane, Marc and I participated to a very special event in a particular place…                                                                               […]


Hello everyone ! I hope that you are doing well ! Yesterday I arrived in Brasov. I had never heard about Brasov before. Brasov is in Rumania, and now I can tell that it is a charming historic town, close to the forest, a few hours away from Bucharest. I had planned to join my […]

Soon leaving for a spiritual retreat

Tomorrow morning, I am taking the train from Paris to Sainte Foy La Grande. I am going to Plum Village. No, I am not going to a training program on how to learn making marmelade ! I am going to spend 2 weeks in the Buddhist community of Thich Nhat Hanh. He is a great […]

The strange first day of my new life

Saturday, August 1st. Today is the first day of my new life. It feels so good. And it feels so strange. I can hardly believe that this moment I have dreamt about and prepared since months actually happens. Really ? So this is now ?                     […]