Tomorrow morning, I am taking the train from Paris to Sainte Foy La Grande.
I am going to Plum Village.
No, I am not going to a training program on how to learn making marmelade !
I am going to spend 2 weeks in the Buddhist community of Thich Nhat Hanh. He is a great spiritual master from Vietnam. I will participate to the Mindful Health and Wellness Retreat.
There will be around 300 participants from many countries and the retreat is about learning how to take care about our body and mind. Both through theoretical teachings and a lot of experimentation : sitting meditation, total relaxation, walking meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Kong, Yoga and workshops on health.
I will tell you more when I come back !
Guess what : the first person who told me about Plum Village was a Positive Psychology Consultant and Trainer I met… in San Francisco ! She warmly recommended me to go there, telling me that this experience had been really unique and transforming for her and that, for me, it was the garden next door ! – It is close to Bordeaux.
And then later, back to France, some friends also told me about this very special place – French version : le Village des Pruniers.
I decided that I would begin my journey here !
My very busy sister felt so enthusiastic about the idea that she decided to join me during a week ! I can’t wait to do tree hugging with her haha !
I will enjoy this moment to do a digital detox. So you will hear about me and this Plum Village experience when I will be back in Paris !
Here is the link of the website if you want to know more :
Cheers !
2 réflexions au sujet de « Soon leaving for a spiritual retreat »
Bonjour Julia,
Joanne m’a invité au workshop que tu organiseras samedi prochain. Alors par curiosité, je suis venue voir ton site et découvrir ton projet. C’est vraiment une belle aventure que tu inities là! Comment s’est passée ta retraite bouddhiste? J’aimerais que tu me racontes comment tu as trouvé cette expérience, ça m’intéresse beaucoup, d’autant plus que je suis moi-même dans une période de développement personnel et spirituel.
A bientôt,
Hello Olivia,
Merci pour ton message 🙂
Je vais en effet prochainement écrire des articles concernant mon expérience aux Pruniers, je n’ai pas encore pris le temps de le faire.
C’était vraiment très riche, apprentissages multiples.
A suivre donc… !
Bonne continuation à toi !
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