Lessons from my Plum Village retreat – 2

The struggle for making choices   Making choices is still quite hard for me. In our world of inifinite possibilities, making a choice means accepting to give up ALL the other options. How to make sure I make the best choice ?!   Even at Plum Village, I had to face dilemmas… ! Get ready, haha 😉   […]

Soon leaving for a spiritual retreat

Tomorrow morning, I am taking the train from Paris to Sainte Foy La Grande. I am going to Plum Village. No, I am not going to a training program on how to learn making marmelade ! I am going to spend 2 weeks in the Buddhist community of Thich Nhat Hanh. He is a great […]

The strange first day of my new life

Saturday, August 1st. Today is the first day of my new life. It feels so good. And it feels so strange. I can hardly believe that this moment I have dreamt about and prepared since months actually happens. Really ? So this is now ?                     […]