Hong Kong diaries – 1

    I am on the plane to Vientiane, Lao. ……… I spent 5 days in Hong Kong. I wanted to spend a month in an Asian capital and had decided that it would be Seoul. Then I knew I would join friends for a trip in Lao. Hong Kong was on the way from […]

24 days in Korea

I am at Incheon International Airport and will fly to Hong Kong within a few hours. It is already time to say goodbye to Seoul. I am feeling many emotions since yesterday, thinking about leaving.   I created everything from scratch here.     I had chosen Seoul because I listened to an intuition. I […]

At the doctor in Korea

These last days I had a little health issue (no drama, nothing serious) and this morning I asked advice to Sun, who runs the guesthouse. Sun comes every morning at the guesthouse and is available by phone when we need help. She has been living in France for several years in the past, so she […]

Guess what I did on my first day in Seoul…

Friday was my first full day here. I slept very well on Thursday night because I was very tired !   When I woke up, I knew I needed to make a decision. A decision that could not be postponed : do I get the vaccination against rabies (rage) or not ? 3 days before leaving Paris, I […]

After leaving : arriving

  I am in Seoul ! I arrived 24 hours ago already. Sadness and fear are gone as the unknown has taken the shape of an environment. And because I am very busy trying to do find landmarks in this new environment, and start « creating » my life here. I feel much better. And I already feel […]

Paris-Seoul – words about leaving

  I am at Charles de Gaulle Airport. Waiting for my plane to Seoul – well, actually, I am flying to Doha and then Seoul.   Let’s have a look backwards. My adventure started in August. I went to Plum Village for a Buddhist mindfulness retreat. I came back to Paris and then went to […]

Carsharing experience !

3 days ago, I tried Blablacar for the first time. I believe in the collaborative economy. I support the collaborative economy. I was at the OuiShare Fest and felt superexcited by all the initiaves, workshops, talks, and inspiring encounters. That’s great. However, I must say that in my everyday life I do not have the […]

Ile d’Yeu – rainbow of emotional states

I am coming back from Ile d’Yeu !   I had decided to spend a week there before leaving for Asia.   Ile d’Yeu is a small charming island on the Atlantic coast of France. I have been coming here on holidays for ages. And over the last years, I did not take so much time […]

Lessons from my Plum Village retreat – 2

The struggle for making choices   Making choices is still quite hard for me. In our world of inifinite possibilities, making a choice means accepting to give up ALL the other options. How to make sure I make the best choice ?!   Even at Plum Village, I had to face dilemmas… ! Get ready, haha 😉   […]

Lessons from my Plum Village retreat – 1

I came back from my spiritual retreat at Plum Village 3 weeks ago.   Plum Village (« Village des Pruniers » in French) is a Zen Buddhist monastery and community founded by the Vietnamese spiritual master Thich Nhat Hanh. It is located in France, in the region where Bordeaux wines are produced.   At the heart of […]